Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Eight Minute Wisdom

Well - that might have been an ambitious title. Actually, I only have eight minutes before the oven timer will go off, so i thought I would keep a promise to myself and "just write". Here's my wisdom for today: when you wake up two hours before the alarm, and can't go back to sleep, you should probably get up because God probably has something He wants to talk to you about. Only, (and here's the wisdom) it's probably not a good idea to decide to get "good and awake" by checking email, facebook, and random www sites concerning the latest body weirdness that is going on. Sorry, Father...I squirreled around too long, and now I have to get ready for work. Is there any way you could tell me what you had on Your mind during the day today?? (I'm hearing the phrase "not likely" in my mind...) Will you call me again tomorrow?

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