Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ah, Saturday...

Okay...I have a history of coming late to the party so-to-speak - mainly because I just feel rebellious about doing something that everyone else is excited about. So now I finally have a blog site AND a facebook account all in the same week and I am eating so much crow about people wasting their time on the computer (ashamed face). Hopefully it's just the honeymoon phase.
So, what are appropriate expectations when it comes to blog-sites? Should I think of it as a 21st century diary; an easy way to email a whole bunch of people; or is it really something that people who know me AND random strangers are going to read? I mean, I already get sad when I don't have any this something that might be detrimental to my self-esteem? I find myself frequently saying, "I wish I just had a bullhorn to the entire country/world so that I could tell people ______" Now I feel like I kinda do have that bullhorn - I could post messages several times a day to let the world know what I'm thinking (anybody in close proximity will tell you they NEVER have to wonder what's going through my mind) - but is anybody really going to read it? I've always wanted to write a book, but I haven't yet found a subject I thought I could write about for more than maybe one chapter. Maybe this is my opportunity to just get out all those small rants and raves - as well as experiences that I think are significant - without the hassles of book-signing tours and demanding deadlines. Hmmmm. Maybe I don't really care if anyone replies. Just the feeling of expression through my fingertips is satisfying. I really prefer feedback in the traditional form of conversation anyway. But, if someone wants to comment, I certainly won't refuse to read it.
Oh, BTW - for those who are Spencer News-deficient: I am about to start my LAST semester of college! Yes, after 23 years I'm finally getting my bachelor's degree!! If you want to you can come to my graduation party - it's gonna be a doozy!

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