Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lunchtime Thoughts

I was home for lunch today, and I logged on to my facebook page. I decided to join the group called "One body of Christ experiment (all Christians on Facebook)" to see what it was all about. I was attracted by a discussion thread entitled "Validity of so-called Bible". Somone had started the discussion by saying he would believe in Christianity today if someone could answer about 5 questions satisfactorily. It all boiled down to "proof", as usual. As I spent too much time reading the various replies and replies to the replies, etc. I got really bored with it all and at the same time amazed at how emotional people were getting about it. I wondered why this person - who later admitted to being a muslim - would even care to be on this discussion site. I mean, why does he even care what christians believe? If he is convinced that his religion is the true way what does it matter what other people believe? I continued to think about this as I went back to work, and these thoughts came to me:
Trying to "convince" someone that the Bible is truth, that there is only One true God, the Son Jesus who made us righteous, and the Holy Spirit who indwells us as Counselor, Comfort and Guide is impossible without a first hand meeting with "them". An illustration came into focus: suppose Sam and I were friends, and I wanted him to meet my husband John. And what if Sam refused to meet John because his friend Jane told him that she heard John was a real jerk and an abusive husband. I could spend hours telling Sam how much I love John, and how great a man he is, but Sam would never believe me fully unless he actually met John, spent time with him and saw for himself what our relationship is like. I would not stop hoping Sam would agree to meet John, but it would be pointless for me to argue with him.
Now, the point where this illustration breaks down is that John doesn't have a Spirit that can speak Sam's language; call him to a meeting; change his heart with an overpowering love. I felt indignant at this person on the discussion site - like if I were face to face with him I might decline to answer his questions on the grounds that my faith does not require that I prove it's Object. I hope I wouldn't be rude or angry. I hope, by God's grace, I would simply challenge him to get the answers himself (because I suspect this guy isn't really interested in listening to me anyway) and invite him to meet the One that has infected me with his extravagant love.
Oh my gosh! Am I saying that we should not evangelize the lost? No. I'm saying that respect, humility, forgiveness, kindness, and love speak a LOT louder than theological arguments. Maybe if Christians would stop trying to prove the existence of Christ and display the existence of Christ instead, the world might be inclined to meet Him. Just a thought.

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